Huntington Alliance of Responsible Civics

Say NO to High Density Zoning!

We Preserve the Quality of Life in our Communities through Outreach and Active Involvement.

We are a united voice that informs our elected officials on how to protect our green landscapes and the infrastructure of our public services in our community. These are threatened by proposals of improperly planned developments with change of zoning. We aim to protect the quality of life in our community that is afforded to us through properly planned green spaces, public services that are suited to the population size, and roadways that are suited to the existing traffic volume. We say NO to improper planning and development that will diminish our quality of life and impact the aquifers and ground water that supply our drinking water. Our elected officials have listened to us thus far, but the battle is not over. We need your voice to join ours! Join our mailing list to learn how you can make this happen.

Zoning Change will bring population demands that cannot be met by existing public services and infrastructure

Our Voice at Town Hall 06/13/2023